Question: 1 / 50

When providing catheter care, which direction should the nurse aide follow during cleansing?

Wipe upward toward the bladder

Wipe in a circular motion

Wipe downward away from the insertion site

The correct choice involves wiping downward away from the insertion site when providing catheter care. This technique is crucial for several reasons. First, cleansing away from the insertion site helps to prevent the introduction of bacteria into the urethra and bladder, which can lead to urinary tract infections. By directing the cleaning motion downward, you are minimizing the risk of pushing any existing bacteria towards the sensitive area where the catheter is inserted. Additionally, following this method aligns with general infection control practices that aim to protect the patient from potential complications. Maintaining a clean environment around the catheter site is essential because catheters are linked to elevated infection risks. Other cleaning methods, such as wiping upward toward the bladder, may inadvertently increase the risk of infection. Likewise, rinsing without wiping may not adequately remove contaminants and could also increase the risk. Using a circular motion is less effective in ensuring a systematic approach to cleanliness compared to the downward motion advocated by proper catheter care protocols.

Rinse without wiping


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